Awarded the TGNI Award for

Transgendered Excellence!

from Transgendered Network International
If you are matured enough to look at alternative way of life, then it's place for you. This site presents Transgender/Crossdresser issue.  Not recommended for the person who disliked it or age under 21.

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Please your help is very much needed, your webmistress will be eternally gratefull to you if you help me now.
Reason we do very much work on an important case where a Homosexual Politician of great honorable, was murdered. Please read the contents of my this site AAACTIONS
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Dana International Thank You For Being... LEAVE D.I.F.F...

My (nick) name is Janet Sultana, my own name Oyako is also I choose, when I was born , in 1994, in a clinic where the doctors made me true me. That why, when you ask me for my age, I will answer I am only five year old, soon to become six.

My dreams for this life: Make true on the promise I will make on my Beauty Day, only few month from now, because is the promise I make to myself long time ago. I am so very thankfull for the beauty I have been given like fairytale.

My ambition:   Promote: TransRights for all my sisters, special who now small child or still must be born.
Promote peace, love and harmony for everybody.

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